latest news in forum
The latest news you find in Electric-Skateboard Forum. got three new boards // August 28
This week a few packages arrived in our office, among other things three new electric skateboards.
The first two boards are from a german manufacturer called 2C-Boards. On this way
we want to welcome the new manufacturer on our site.
Here you'll find 2C-Boards in our community: 2C-Boards
For one thing we got the 2C Board 200, with a engine power of 200 watt, for another thing we got the original 2C Board 600
out of the gameshow "Schlag den Raab" (beat the Raab) with signature from the TV-comedian Stefan Raab himself.
For sure, we are testing the 200 watt board to publish an other electric-skateboard review.

Of course we won't desecrate the 600 watt "Schlag den Raab" board.
Further pictures in the community: pictures of 2C-Board 600 "Schlag den Raab" edition
The third skateboard with electric engine that arrived, is a bit smaller than the ohters. Our brand new office toy: R/C Tony Hawk
Perfect for rainy days or to bypass the time while you battery is charging. Videos will follow..
MoBo 600 Street arrived // July 15
Hey Folks!After a while with no News and a lot of work in the background we got something new today. Our MoBo 600 Watt Street Board arrived today. So we got a first a new toy and at second a new object for testing issues. As usual we are going to present you a review for that board.
Pictures of the unpacking ceremony.

Furthermore today a couple of spares parts arrived. Among other things a pair of drive belts a spare battery and some new Xtreme wheels for the MB 800.
Certainly we took the new MB 600 for a short ride.
Mo-Bo MB 800 review online // June 24
Finally it is done, our first electric skateboard review. After a series of tests and countless times of test driving we are proud to present our first review: Mo-Bo MB 800.
electric-skateboard fan shop is online // June 10
While the forum is growing gradually, we want to announce today, that
our electric-skateboard fan shop is online
In our shop you can find all kinds of fan stuff like teacups, sticker, tees or sweaters, form yoar favourite electric-skateboard manufacturer.
Certainly you can give us feedback, suggestions or wishes.
Now and then there will be new motifs to keep the offer manifold.
Electric skateboard forum // May 30
The forum is opened, *hehemm* since yesterday, as some have already noticed. Today we give the forum a news post!
What does the forum offers?
You can Register - well, then?
You can ask questions, chat about current electric skateboard events, share experiences, upload pictures, embed your videos from youtube and so on.
You can also enter your location on the super brilliant map and so easy organize meetings with other skaters, because routes can be planned so.
And this is just the beginning. So register yourself and briefly introduce yourself if you've just lust.
Mo-Bo @ EA-Expo // May 29
The Electric Avenue Expo is an exhibition for 'electic mobility'. It happened from May 21st to May 24th in Friedrichshafen with the slogan 'The new Expo for sustainable mobility'. Among other things the first electric sports car for series maturity was presented.The german manufacturer Mo-Bo got some outstanding response for their MB 800: a lot of test driving and bunch of stunned visitors.
sales discount on boards from Elektroskate // 26 Mai
elektroskate has some elektroskateboards in offering.It is about display models which have been droven for 10 hours max,
so quasi like new.
The boards came in original packaging with complete accessories.
Besides you got full warranty.
The elektroskate es AIR 400 costs instead of £ 449.99 only £ 379.-
The elektroskate es SPORT 600 costs instead of £ 599.99 only £ 499.-
Those who have interest on the super bargain of "used" elektoskateboards write us an email
Elektroskateboards on Schlag den Raab // May 24

The greater highlight to us was the contest called "Skateboard". Of course it was about skateboards with electric enginge. Stefan Raab and his rival Nino had to drive a course as fast as they can.
Who from the both could handle the boards best, you can see in the
video about eletricskateboard race

Elektro-Skatesession in Skatepark // May 18
After the last few days of rain, Kai has decided to went to the local skatepark at the weekend. As expected the present kids was more than stoked by the electric boards.As usual there are also some pictures of this action to look at:
LIVE: MB 600 Street, Traction and MB 800 // May 12
Mo-Bo's first stationary reseller is born. And this even in the capital city ;-).All three boards - MB 600 Street, Traction, and MB 800 - can be checked out and drooled over there.
Titus' pre-emptive measures // May 09
After we'd survived our first rides on the boards (cheers to our guardian angel), we have made our way up to the Stock-Car-Elektroskateboard-League. Cause:protects

We are delighted Titus has donated the pro-guards, because, trust us, driving without any is pretty risky!!
Co-op Flyer with Mo-Bo // May 08
Mo-Bo and have collaboratively designed a flyer.Front: Mo-Bo, Back:
If you would like to have some flyers for handing them out, spamming skateshops & sports stores, or even just for randomly giving them to stunned people, simply send us an email with the desired amount of flyers you'd love to have. Also, make sure to send us a self-addressed, stamped envelope. (format: Din lang). Charges for shipping will depend on amount & letter's weight.
MoBo 800 now available -- Reviews countdown // May 06
New bunch of MoBo MB 800 All-Terrain have arrived
The MB 800 All-Terrain is available again!
All of you who have pre-ordered will receive a packet from MoBo very shortly :-)
Those of you who haven't ordered the board yet, can do so directly at MoBo's online shop now.
All new orders will be shipped without delay!

We know you all can't wait to read our reviews.Surely, you might also have special questions that you're eager to ask us. Send us an email regarding the features we should test, so we can add them to our reviews.

Most definitely, you have already discovered some of the pics of our testing session.
For example, we have made excellent wallpapers with the electric skateboards. (some new ones were just added today) Also, you can find a couple of pix in the galleries on the special pages of Mobo and elektroskate.
The complete reviews will be available soon. Seriously ;-)
YouTube // May 05
We are proud to kick things off with exactly this video ;-) on YouTube
Halftime: Mo-Bo Contest -- FAQ // May 04
The first official Mo-Bo videocontest is still running til May 31. So, hurry up with your videos !!!Details about the contest can be found in our news update from April 07 as well as in your Mo-Bo newsletter.
Furthermore, our Elektro-Skateboard FAQ just went online. (translation will follow. Promised)
Elektroskate Air 400 // April 30
Just right before the weekend, a straggler has arrived: the Air 400 from Elektroskate. Therefore, we now do have three boards for some intense testing. And as soon as the weather is fine & sunnier again, we'll get back to writing the reviews. Again, we've shot a few pics for you guys.Here are some of the unpacking ceremony.

Subpages for producers -- Wallpapers // April 29
After a whole week of news abstinence, we are now back and kicking it with some terrific & awesome news:As of now, you will here find new wallpapers for your desktop every now and then.
Mo-Bo and Elektroskate do now have an advanced special site offering some spreadsheet for comparison of their boards, a small gallery and the Q&As. Further infomation about the producers will also be posted there...
By the way: it's raining again..
Interview with Mo-Bo // April 21
Markus Buchbauer from Mo-Bo was kind enough to do a little Q&A with us. The interview hasn't been translated yet though, but will be available within the next few days. We are sorry! Stay tuned!Due to crappy, rainy weather the planned video shoot had to be cancelled and postponed. You guys have to hang in there and be a little more patient until the pics and vids will be available on the site soon.
First video session scheduled for this weekend // April 17
On Wednesday the board from Mo-Bo arrived, yesterday we equipped ourselves with some video equipment, and tomorrow we are going to have our first video session at the local skatepark. We don't really know what's going to happen yet, but one thing for sure, we'll start collecting first information for a detailed test report about the Mo-Bo 800.
Furthermore, the interview with Andrew from Elektroskate is now available in German as well.
Enjoy reading..
Just a few minutes ago, DHL delivered the Elektroskate Sport 600. Unfortunately, the Air 400 seems to have gotten lost on its way here, but Andrew is already looking into that and solving the problem, so we will be able to test both examples as soon as possible.
Here are the pics of the unpacking ceremony. Now Also in English // 2 weeks ago!
Finally, is now available in English as well. You can switch between languages by simply clicking on the flag of the preferred country (located in the upper right corner in the moon symbol).All the brand-new interviews and test reports will be translated by the one like Sac himself asap! That way, you will always be well-informed and up-to-date in two languages even ;)
Fasting Has Come to an End.. // April 15
Right on time in the middle of the week, an enormous package was delivered unheraldedly to our office. Its sender was non other than Mo-Bo themselves. Well, you can most likely guess what was inside the package - exactly, an MB 800 All-terrain.So, the first steps were unpacking the baby carefully and taking a few pics. Believe us, that thing is a monster of a skateboard. We had already expected that the Mo-Bo board would put any other normal skateboard to shame. But we definitely didn't expect a difference between like a
Here are the pics of the unpacking ceremony.

Even though we were a little deterred at first, we couldn't keep our feet off of the board. What we had initially planned as a little test drive, ended with an empty battery and two exhausted but happy editors. More updates about our skating sessions will follow!
The English version of will be launched very soon. Still slacking off being extremely busy and enjoying his semester break, our chief master of translation slowly but most definitely awakens from his lethargy ... makin' progress, yo! :-)
Oh, right: Elektroskate sent out an Air 400 and a Sport 600 today. These two are expected to arrive at our office by Friday latest. Look forward to the upcoming reviews ...
One more thing - We are proud to present to you: The banners for linking on your website or blog are now available. Have fun!
Interview With Andrew Macdonald of // April 14
Andrew Macdonald of the British manufacturer Elektroskate was kind enough to do a short interview with us. Currently, it can be found in English only, but since we are in the process of translating our website as fast as possible, we can assure you to find a German version of the interview online by the end of the week.Furthermore, we will launch the English version of our website either today or tomorrow.
On this note: see you soon ..
#1 Mo-Bo Contest // April 7
Since the sunny weather finally hit Germany as well, Mo-Bo came up with a terrific idea: A contest! Quote:
Just upload your best Mo-Bo videos on YOUTUBE tagged as “Mobo”, “Mo-Bo” or “Electric Skateboard." The person whose video has got the most clicks after 4 weeks will receive a unique gift:
1 original Mo-Bo T-Shirt in your size - designed by us, and with your name on it! Limited worldwide to one piece!
Lots of fun and good luck to you!
Elektroskate Develops New Remote Control // April 6
We just got the news in at first hand that Elektroskate is currently developing a new remote control for their boards. Their bluetooth technology will remain the same, but the remote control itself will get a whole new look. Being one of the few manufacturers using an egg-shaped remote control, Elektroskate's new model will receive a pistol-like form just like the ones already being used by many other manufacturers.It is uncertain yet whether there will be any further changes or improvements to the remote controls. We'll keep you updated, of course.
Forum - CMS - Sunshine // April 2
Another day, current news.After we had done an update of our design last night, we are now about to take first steps towards the community and globalization of our site. Meaning: we're currently trying to figure out how to best implement a forum on our site, and how we are going to translate the whole project to English at the same time. Taking this opportunity, we'd like to introduce to you the latest member of our crew: a friendly American studies grad student who will take care of the translation of our site. (Note from the translator: Thanks guys, glad to be on board :-P). Welcome!
Elektroskate Added After Inquiry With Manufacturer // April 1
After we had gotten in touch with the English manufacturer Elektroskate, we have now listed them in the 'producers' category as well.As we were told by Elektroskate themselves, the stuntman Jalil Jay Lynch - best known as the stunt double in films such as Bad Boys, Miami Vice, Taxi, Rush Hour ...- is currently testing one of their boards for his next Hollywood Blockbuster. This could very possibly be the breakthrough for the first ever electro skateboard on the big screen.
Mo-Bo Likes // March 31
Just after six days since we took our first steps in the endless realms of the internet, we have come to the realization that the guys at Mo-Bo have already found our website. And after a brief e-mail and phone correspondency, we are proud to announce thatMo-Bo are going to send us press boards for our first tests!
Damn straight, you heard right. Expect the very first and detailed tests of an electric skateboard made in Germany soon.
Launch of Our Website // March 25

Just make sure to drop by every now and then, and i'm pretty sure that there will be plenty of new things for you to discover each time you visit our website..