elektro-skateboard.com is run by its two representatives: Kai Hauser, a dude in his early 30s and experienced oldschool skateboarder, and Andreas Nemet who is in his mid-20s and has been a long-time skateboarder likewise. Skateboarders by passion - Web designers by profession: Owning at both, we definitely see this site as a wonderful opportunity of killing two birds with one stone.
Get in touch with us if you'd like to:
be listed as a manufacturer
share any info missing on the site
place any ads on our site and/or support us in any possible way
be interviewed by us about your boards
reveal any brand-spankin' or even top-secret news (sources won't be listed as per request, of course *g*)
send us some boards to be tested and mercilessly reviewed by the elektro-skateboard.com guys
be part of our crew and contribute anything worthwile
just chat with us about anything else we haven't mentioned yet :-)
You can contact us by e-mail:
Or hit us up on the phone if you're brave enough: +49 (0)6324 8738903
If you dig the old-fashioned way, you may also send us a postcard or even a letter in a nice envelope (Note that all boards must be send to this address as well):
Kai Hauser
Bismarckstraße 26
67454 Haßloch

You are interested in our banner at your website? Go and grab one here!